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September 30, 2022 Minutes Board of Directors


SONOMA STATE ENTERPRISES, INC. Minutes September 30, 2022


Mr. Monir Ahmed Ms. Ashley Blaylock Ms. Yasmin Esquivel Dr. Gerald Jones Dr. Kyuho Lee Dr. Ming‐Tung “Mike” Lee Mr. Neil Markley, Ex‐Officio Dr. Mario Perez Mr. Taylor Rozek Dr. John Urbanski Mr. Fred Vaske Dr. Audra Verrier Ms. Amanda Visser, Ex‐Officio


Dr. Karen Moranski Dr. Anastasia Tosouni


Ms. Jessica Way

22.00 Call to Order

Mr. Ahmed called the meeting to order at 2:33 pm.

22.01 Seating of the Board and Introductions

22.02 Committee Appointments

Committees were seated with no objections.

22.03 Approval of the May 6, 2022 Minutes

The minutes from May 6, 2022 were provided to the Board via email prior to the meeting. The minutes were approved unanimously with no changes.

22.04 President’s Report

Dr. Lee discussed his time meeting faculty, staff, and students thus far and his background at Sac State. He discussed our declining enrollment issue. He is collaborating with those across to come up with and cement the plan to erase the structural deficit in two years. Sonoma State Enterprises, Inc.

22.05 University Report

Fall 2023 application period opens tomorrow.

22.06 Vice President for Student Affairs Report

Dr. Jones reported that the PUERTA Program was selected as finalist for the 2022 Examples of Excelencia. We are seeing an increase in clubs and organizations. Mental health issues are still a large concern.

22.07 Associated Students Report

Ms. Esquivel discussed their efforts to register students to vote. They have started the RSVP (Raising Students Voices and Participation) initiative in increase student leadership and involvement through committee work. She has been listening to the students concerns as the year gets under way.

22.08 Report from SSU Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer and Chair of SSE Board of Directors

Mr. Ahmed spoke about the Black and Brown in Blue speaker series, Stevenson Hall renovation, and revamping the electrical infrastructure and adding the microgrid.

22.09 Chief Operating Officer’s Report

Mr. Markley let the board know we had a busy summer conference season but staffing is a still a challenge. In Culinary Services we have opened Lobo’s, Sip, and the Kitchens. We have more options available on GrubHub with W+B items added. Toast will be opening this semester. We have brought food trucks to campus four days a week. In retail, the first day complete/equitable access program looking to get off the ground in the fall of 2023. While we have received three purchase offers for our Petaluma Hill Road property, we have not had success in closing a transaction.

22.10 Chief Financial Officer’s Report

Ms. Visser reported that the Audit Committee met. The financial committee also met and are bringing the budget forward for action.

22.11 Conflict of Interest Presentation Non‐Profit Integrity Act, Compliance and Insurance

Mr. Markley reviewed the Non‐Profit Integrity Act letter provided by Jeremy Olson, our corporate counsel. Mr. Markley asked Board Members to sign the letter and return to him for our records.

22.12 ACTION ITEM: Acceptance of the 2021/2022 Audited Financial Statements

Andy Maffia from our audit firm Aldrich joined via zoom and presented disclosures and highlights from the audit. Ms. Visser moved and Dr. Urbanski seconded the acceptance of the 2021/2022 audited financial statements. The Board unanimously approved.

22.13 ACTION ITEM: Approval of the 2022/2023 Budget

Mr. Markley reviewed the budget. It was noted that the Organization has insurance as recommended by the Chancellor’s Office. No questions. Dr. Verrier motioned to approve the budget. Mr. Vaske seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved.

22.14 Other Non‐Action Items


Meeting was adjourned at 4:31 pm.