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September 14, 2021 Minutes CPUSAC


Minutes September 14, 2021 2 to 3 p.m. – Virtual Zoom Meeting
  1. Announcements / General Information (5 min)
    1. Roll Call – Review Membership & Updates
  2. Meeting Schedule for FY2021 (Tuesdays @ 2pm) - Future Agendas: Google Drive (calendar invite) (5 min)
    1. September 14, 2021
    2. October 12, 2021
    3. November 9, 2021
    4. January 11, 2022
    5. February 8, 2022
    6. March 8, 2022
    7. April 12, 2022
  3. New Business: (25 min)
    1. Stevenson Building Update
      1. C. Dinno provided an overview of the Stevenson Project. The goal of the renovation was to create a flexible building that is accessible, collaborative, equitable, inclusive, and sustainable. This project is saving the campus $35m of deferred maintenance for Stevenson Hall and $6.5 m of deferred maintenance of Salazar and Schulz due to the Stevenson Surge projects. Additionally, the project is adding 10,000 square feet to the space by moving the staircase at the loading dock externally and using the former courtyard space to a classroom. D. Twedell mentioned that this building will also set the standards for future buildings. Targeted date for occupancy is December 2022, but building will open for classes Fall 2023. More information can be found on the Stevenson Hall Renovation Project website.
    2. Update on Future & Ongoing Topics 
      1. Mural Project Update
        1. Exterior Art Work Committee (sub committee) Update 1999 Policy is currently under review which will include murals
        2. CPUSAC Committee - Location(s) TBD
      2. Copeland Creek (Policy Update)
        1. Update Policy (membership) OR sub committee CPUSAC
      3. Sheds on Campus (policy updates)
        1. Update Policy (membership OR sub committee CPUSAC)
        3. Utilize existing space
        4. New Building for storage needs
        5. Offsite 3rd party storage


Future Topics:

Building Safety Standards / Display of Building Numbers (2-years)

Kinesiology & Athletic Master Plan Review - Approved Gensler

Campus Master Plan

Childcare Feasibility Study – TBD

Deferred Maintenance & Critical Infrastructure (5 Year Cap Outlay)

CPDC Current Project List Update

Ives/Nichols Feasibility Assessment (Mode)

Art/Carson Feasibility Assessment (pending)

Stevenson Surge (Update)

MetaBIM – Project File Management


This committee is advisory to the Provost and the Vice President for Administration and Finance. They are charged to develop and implement processes and procedures for managing campus space and facility use. All recommendations should be focused on creating a physical environment on campus where function, aesthetic quality, and physical characteristics are blended to create a desirable and inspirational atmosphere for students, faculty and staff. Areas of review include, but may not be limited to, selection of sites for new buildings and other facilities on campus, review of Sonoma State University's five-year Capital Outlay Program submission, the assignment of space, building and renovation plans, alteration to the campus grounds, campus planning and design standards, and the prioritization of minor and major capital requests. The work done by this committee will provide recommendations to the Provost and the Vice President of Administration & Finance for consideration of, regarding resource planning for physical facilities projects, improvements, and additions.


  • Promote Transparency
  • Maintain a membership that is inclusive of a broad range of campus constituents
  • Arrive at recommendations through a collaborative process


  • Develop and implement a space policy (Fall 2020)
    • Develop space procedure in support of policy (Fall 2020)
      • Design space request and change process (Spring 2021)
  • Resource requests
  • Rubric for analysis
  • Method for determining recommendations to the President
  • Review facilities condition assessments (Ongoing)
  • Review space analysis and data (Ongoing)
  • Review and recommend the five (5) year capital plan for Sonoma State University for 2019-2020 (Annually)
  • Review service level agreement (SLC) by the Associate Vice President for Facilities Maintenance (Annually)
  • Develop sub-committees as necessary to develop and manage CPUSAC policies and processes (Ongoing)


  • Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs & Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer


  • Space Modification and Renovation
  • University Signage
  • Construction of New Buildings and/or Structures
Committee Members 2020-2021
  Name Committee Position/Title
x J. Dana Twedell Facilities Management, AVP (Chair)
x Mike Ogg Academic Resources, Director of Continuous Improvement (Vice Chair)
x Kamen Nikolov Green Music Center (designee)
x David Chun/Evan Ferguson Information Technology, Chief Information Officer (or designee)
  Neil Markley Sonoma State Enterprises, AVP (or designee)
  Lauren Hart Library, Dean (or designee)
  Elizabeth Chelini REACH, Associate Director of Campus Housing (or designee)
  Laura Monje-Paulson Student Affairs, Assistant VP for Student Affairs, Assessment & Strategic Ops
x Jessica Way Conference & Events, Managing Director of EA Ops & Administration
x Nicole Annaloro Athletics, Senior Director
x Tyson Hill Risk Management, Senior Director (or designee)
x Christopher Dinno Campus Building Official, Chief Planning Officer
x Emily Acosta Lewis Chair of Academic Planning, Assessment & Resources Committee (APARC), Faculty
  Whitney Berry Associate University Planner with the Chancellor’s Office
  Pending Academic Senate Representative
  Chris Franco Associated Students Representative, Student
x Wenwen Ni Faculty Representative, elected by the General Faculty
  Dawnelle Ricciardi Staff Council Representative, elected by the General Staff
  Jean-Francios Coget Dean (appointed by the Provost)
  Staff (non-voting)  
x Dennis Goss University Scheduler
  Kat Marian Campus Planning, Director of Campus Planning, Design & Construction
x Patty Couret Facilities Management, Director of Business Services
x Jenifer Barnett Contracts & Procurement, Managing Director
x Megan Varnadore Sustainability, Director
  as needed Staff Appointed by the Chair/Vice Chair to support the committee