January 24, 2019 Student Housing Task Force Meeting Minutes
Student Housing Task Force Meeting Minutes
Date: January 24, 2019Attendees:
Ryan Henne, Christopher Dinno, Nicole Hendry, Rick Verrier, Elizabeth Chelini, Stacey Murray, Katie Robinson, Dean Kennedy, Charles Zabala, Carley Chatterley, Anna Reynolds-Smith, Caylee Spinney, James Birkey (JLL)
Not in Attendance:
Neil Markley, Michelle Sulahian (JLL)
Purpose of Meeting: Housing Analysis – Findings and Next Steps
- Introductions (5 minutes)
- Discussion review of January 17 Kickoff meeting (20 minutes)
- CEQA Update
- Phase I review and thoughts
- Travel Planning (15 minutes)
- Who’s driving
- Planning needs
- Expenses?
- Next Steps & Timeline (5 minutes)
- Visitation of Sac State & UC Davis – Feb 25
- Murray, Kennedy, and Henne visit UMass Amherst – March 7
- Next Scheduled CEQA consultant meeting - TBD
Student Housing General Notes:
- Data Needs assignments determined in the Kick-off meeting are expected from ICF in the next week or two. Christopher Dinno will forward ICF template of task data needs with specific action assignments once received from ICF.
- We are attempting to keep the CEQA study for the Master Plan Addendum as broad as possible in order that we will not need a secondary study in the case of additional facilities or amenities having environmental impacts.
- For example, the inclusion of the Children’s School (which may or may not be included in the project depending on decisions made by the Children’s School program) is being included for the study so that in the event it is included there is no additional environmental reporting required.
- The discussion with the Children’s School program about their future plans should be scheduled soon. Dr. Sawyer, Erik Dickson and Carley Chatterley to confirm.
- The Addendum update for this proposed project is preliminary and should include programmatic ideas that may have an environmental impact of some sort. It is important that Dr. Sawyer, Ryan Henne and the team outline as much of the program as possible for the addendum report. Detailed components can be addressed in the later stages.
- Environmental Impacts under CEQA include such things as water usage, traffic, lights, noise, aesthetics (size/shape/foot print) etc. If you would like to further familiarize yourself with CEQA, reference the link below. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Environmental_Quality_Act
- It was decided that carpool travel to and from our site visits to Sac State and UC Davis will be the most comfortable and efficient. Nicole Hendry and Dean Kennedy have offered to drive giving us capacity for 8 attendees. Ryan Henne has also offered to drive the housing van.
- The team collaboratively will continue to provide specific programmatic ideas for the proposed project. Dr. Sawyer and Ryan Henne will lead this effort.
- DataNeeds document assignments. (Lindsay Christensen)
- Presentation of Peer Programming and Design to be shared. (James Birkey /JLL)
- Pro-Forma/Financial review sheets to be shared. (Anna Reynolds-Smith)
- Update Shared file space (box folder) with CEQA meeting presentation and additional materials. (Rick Verrier)