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March 2025 A&F Times

March Column

Tyson Hill
Tyson Hill, AVP for RMSS

Do you remember the first risk manager you met in your life? It was likely your mother, father, or person(s) who raised you. We learn with time that certain activities are risky from an early age, so we attempt to mitigate these risks. Fast forward some years, and you probably reduce risk within your departments. 

While the Risk Management & Safety Services (RMSS) team is here to help educate the campus on safety measures, navigate potential risks, and improve business continuity, our team cannot do it all alone. You are a vital part of this process, and you ensure the health and safety of your team members and your department's core competencies. You are essential to the risk process because you and your departments are the first risk mitigators for your areas. You help to make this university a safe place for students to learn, faculty to teach and profess, and staff members to lead by example. RMSS would like to thank you and remind you that we all play a critical role in reducing risk through mitigation so that our students can learn and thrive in our wonderful community. 

As springtime approaches, the days are getting longer and warmer, and more university members are walking about. Please drive carefully and be aware of people entering crosswalks around campus. Earbuds and headphones impede pedestrians' ability to be fully aware of their surroundings. We have seen the use of these items skyrocket in the last few years. Additionally, as newly minted risk stewards, if you see any pathways with cracks or bumps that need to be addressed, please submit work orders to Facilities Management so that we can address and fix them for patrons. Additionally, if you see lighting that may get covered by growing trees and sprouting leaves here this spring, please report it in a work order as well so the campus can address it. 

It takes a collective team to ensure we look out for one another and keep everyone's safety in mind. Thank you all for your continued hard work, and I hope you have a good semester.

What's Happening on Campus

Seawolf Social Hour flyer

Introducing: Seawolf Social Hour!

Culinary Services is excited to introduce Seawolf Social Hour! 

On select Thursdays throughout the Spring 2025 semester, Lobo’s will remain open until 6 pm inviting faculty, staff, and students to gather, unwind, and enjoy drinks and appetizers at a special discount rate. Spring 2025 Social Hour Dates: 

  • Thursday, March 27 
  • Thursday, April 17 
  • Thursday, May 1 

Mark your calendar, bring your colleagues, and join us at Lobo’s for good company and great deals. See you there!

Spring Budget & Planning Forum

Join the campus community for the Spring 2025 Budget & Planning Forum on Thursday, March 13th from 1-3pm in Ballroom A. This event is an opportunity for members of the campus community to learn more about current budget planning, ask questions, and engage in meaningful dialogue. 

Students engaging with employers at career fair
Student engaging with employer at Career Fest 2024

Career Fest

With graduation in sight, it's time for our Seawolves to hit the job search! The Career Center is hosting their annual Career Fest on Friday, March 7th. The Career Center team will be hosting a variety of workshops and pop-up events in the days leading up to the career fair to help students prepare and feel confident before meeting with employers. If you have any students in your area preparing to graduate this spring, please help spread the word and make sure they are aware of this opportunity as they prepare for life after graduation!

Late Night @ The Kitchens

Class or meeting running late? Sick of meal delivery services? No problem! Skip the delivery fees, and try Late Night Take-Out instead! 

Food in a take out container

The Kitchens is now offering Late Night Take-Out for the campus community Monday through Thursday from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. Meals can be purchased using your meal plan, campus dollars, or digital transaction. Meal plans can only scan once per night and cash is not accepted at this hour. 

Customers during Late Night Take-Out receive one to-go box, one cup, and a pastry bag (for one fruit or pastry outside the to-go box). Customers can make selections of their choosing from the stations offered during this hour and take them to-go. Slice, Chef's and Etc. are all operational during this time, as well as a smaller version of the Garden Salad bar.  Slice, of course, offers pizza. Chef's station offers the entree and sides of the day, as well as hamburgers, cheeseburgers and Beyond Burgers. Etc. offers its dessert options of the day plus a selection of grab-n-go sandwiches and fresh whole fruit. Beverages including juice, ICEE, and Pepsi products are also available.  

The Late Night Take-Out program began last semester and quickly became popular for students who get out of class or study hall late, but with faculty teaching those evening courses and staff working later shifts. 

For questions or more information, email University Culinary Services at


Thank you to everyone who came out to support heart health at the annual #WearRedDay Go Red for Women photo. The goal of Wear Red Day is to bring awareness to the importance of heart health as Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of women in America. Find all the ways you can get connected at

SSU Faculty & Staff at Go Red for Women photo
SSU Faculty & Staff at Go Red photo

In late February, a group of 20 Facilities Management personnel took part in the Aerial Boom Lift & Scissor Lift Operator Certification. This training included a classroom presentation, written test, hands-on practice and skills testing session. The classroom portion focused on key information needed for safe operation of an aerial boom lift and scissor lift. The hands-on portion provided the opportunity to practice skills in a safe environment under the direct observation and coaching of professional instructors. Operator skills were evaluated using industry standards. 

The training is not make or model specific but covers concepts common to most types of aerial boom lifts and scissor lifts. Upon completion of this training program, participants will be knowledgeable and demonstrate proficiency in: 

  • Boom lift and scissor lift basics 
  • Rules and regulations 
  • Types 
  • Main parts and their functions 
  • Safety systems 
  • Pre-use inspection 
  • Safe operating procedures 
  • Limitations Hazards and controls 

This training program focuses on the needs of the “end user”, and upon successful completion, particiapants will receive an operator's certificate and a wallet card. 

Celebrated Anniversaries in February

Tyler ClarkWorkstation Security & Services
Madeline ColeEntrepreneurial Activities Marketing
Mary FerrerKitchens
Taylor GreenParking
Aimee StuderUniversity Police
Josha HollidayUniversity Police
Jonathan ByersWorkstation Security & Services
Maria AlvesHousekeeping
Maritza Hernandez SanchezHousekeeping
Shawn TaylorUniversity Budget & Resource Planning
Kelley GreeneOperations & Engineering
Shyla PennSeawolf Services
Michael AlvarezHousekeeping
Evan FergusonEnterprise Infrastructure Services
Brian SchneiderOperations & Engineering
Tyson HillRisk Management & Safety Services
Brian BiggsEnterprise Applications
Jaime LugoLandscaping
Trisha RamosPayroll & Benefits
Ivonne ManriquezFinancial Aid
Elizabeth O'BrienSeawolf Services