March 27, 2020 Minutes SSE Board of Directors
Members Present:
Ms. Grace Anderson
Mr. Arden Childers
Ms. Joyce Lopes
Mr. Robert Martinez
Mr. Neil Markley, Ex-officio
Mr. Mario Perez
Ms. Emily Lusk Porter
Dr. Jeffrey Reeder
Dr. Judy K. Sakaki
Dr. Wm. Gregory Sawyer
Ms. Amanda Visser, Ex-Officio
Dr. Lisa Vollendorf
Mr. Daniel Yoeono
Members Absent:
Dr. Kyuho Lee
Dr. John Urbanski
Ms. Megan Varnadore
Others Present:
Ms. Cindy Crane
Mr. Tyson Hill
Ms. Nancy Keller
Ms. Olivia Tighe
Ms. Jessica Way
19.27: Call to Order
This meeting was called to order at 1:04pm via teleconference.
19.28: Approval of the December 13, 2019 Minutes
The minutes were unanimously approved with out any objections
19.29: Presidents Report
Dr. Sakaki thanked members of the campus for their response to the COVID-19 emergency. She also shared that she is in communication with local representatives and the Chancellor's office regarding local and system wide response to the pandemic. Lastly, President Sakai shared that the CSU board of trustees meeting was held virtually and there will be communication about a hiring slowdown.
19.30: University Report
Provost Vollendorf shared the progress of campus efforts to shift operations to virtual during COVID-19.
19.31: Associated Students Report
Mr. Yoeono discussed the impact of the campus moving to virtual operation on students. The Associated Student Senate passed a resolution to pay lost wages of student employees through April 7th, 2020.
19.32: Report from SSU Vice President of Administration and Finance/ Chief Financial Officer and Chair of SSE Board of Directors
Ms. Lopes informed everyone that almost all employees had been moved to telecommuting to ease the impact of the pandemic on employees. The Chancellor's Office has approved 128 hours of administrative leave for staff, faculty, and student employees to use before December 30, 2020. Ms Lopes reported the temporary limit of purchasing to essential items, and hiring slowed down to reduce expenses.
19.33: Chief Operating Officers Report
Mr. Markley reported that Culinary Services continues to operate at a smaller scale focusing on residential students. The Kitchens remain open and are operating on a take out basis only. April housing and meal plan payment have been waived for any student who moves out of the residential community by April 1st.
With the loss of revenue, Mr. Markley is anticipating a hit to reserve funds over the next few months. Following the chancellor's directive, self support funds may be used to help operate the campus if needed. Mr. Markley estimates SSE has the capability to support limited operations for up to 8 months. SSE is also currently on a hiring freeze. All University events are cancelled through the Spring and possible Summer of 2020.
19.34: Chief Financial Officers Report
Ms. Visser reviewed the Statement of Activity as of February 29, 2020, explaining that between fall and spring semester the campus has experienced a decline in students known as a melt. Sales are trending low due to low enrollment. Mr Markley explained that due to the effects of COVID-19 on the campus there will be no retail income, and meal plan revenue will be significantly less for the rest of the fiscal year. These affects will start to really appear in April’s Statements.
19.35 2020-2022 Budget Review
Due to the effects of COVID-19 on the University and its implications to the 2020/20201 budget, the budget review was postponed for the next board of directors meeting in May.
19.36: ACTION ITEM: Strategic Plan Approval
Ms Joyce Lopes reviewed the Strategic Planning process. Ms. Porter moved to approve the motion and Dr Sawyer seconded the motion. The item passed with no objections.
19.37: Other Non-Action Items
Meeting was adjourned at 2:37pm