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May 2024 A&F Times

May Column

Photo of Chief Planning Officer, Christopher Dinno
Christopher Dinno, Chief                              Planning Officer

As we all look forward to this year’s Commencement Ceremony that celebrates another successful academic year coming to a close, it is with gratitude and thanks to all of you and your units who have been moving mountains behind the scenes contributing to our student success, as we honor and award their degrees. I am particularly excited and looking forward to this year’s Commencement, as my son Bryan, will be graduating from Sonoma State University. Celebrating his Commencement at the Green Music Center, where as an architect, I had the honor and privilege to have led the effort to develop the venue we will be celebrating in, is a full circle moment for me. 

This will be my twenty-fifth Commencement Ceremony celebrated at Sonoma State University. Each year I walk away from our Commencement ceremonies with a real sense of renewed energy, not only for my time spent at Sonoma State University, but the opportunity to stop and reflect upon the past and the possibilities that were ahead of me when I graduated from college, my future, a new beginning, and what that felt like. 

My counsel to each of you is to dig deep and find that renewed energy, purpose and inspiration that we have all felt. There are challenges ahead, however nothing that we cannot overcome. We have all worked together as a team in a collaborative manner to advance the mission of the university, and have all contributed to and benefited from Sonoma State University’s success. We are surrounded by so many talented colleagues, I have no doubt we will continue to lean in and support each other as our units begin the next fiscal year and prepare to welcome our newest class of Seawolves to campus in the fall. 

With much gratitude for all you have done and continue to do for Sonoma State University, each other, and our students. 

What's Happening on Campus

Scoop, Scoop, Hooray!

Scoops of Gratitude Logo
Scoops of Grattitude 2024 Logo

What better way to celebrate the end of the academic year and kick off the summer than with sun, games, and frozen treats? Come out to Seawolf Plaza and Person Lawn on Thursday, May 23rd from 3-5pm for the annual Scoops of Gratitude event! There will be a slideshow of photos and shoutouts displayed on Lobovision throughout the event. Please email photos to or use the following Submission Form to submit your shout outs. The deadline to submit is Friday, May 10th. 


Final Friday at Four

The final edition of Fridays at Four for this academic year takes place Friday, May 10th at 4pm on the Stomping Grounds Patio. Stop by for complementary snacks and socializing, a cash bar will be available to purchase non-alcoholic beverages, as well as beer and wine. If you questions regarding this event, please contact Culinary Services at See you there! 


Student Art Display
Surface of the Water from Below, by student Margaret Ahvenainen

Student Art On Display

The artwork of seven Sonoma State University students will be on display beginning Monday, April 29 as their works are installed at exterior locations through campus. The installation will continue through Wednesday, May 8, with a formal presentation of all the work at 4:30 p.m. Friday, May 17, followed by a 5:30 p.m. reception in Art Courtyard. The works on display can be found in the following locations: 

- Main Quad

- Stevenson Hall Exterior Stairs

- East Art Building

- Lawn North of Stevenson (Disc Golf Course)

- Stevenson Hall Exterior Wall

- Schulz 2nd Floor

- Salazar Quad


We're Painting the Campus Blue!

Have you seen the new spirit fence along Petaluma Hill Road? Our colleagues in Facilities Management have been hard at work installing new, blue slats in the chain-link fence along the east end of campus and giving it a fresh new look, just in time for commencement! The first floor of Salazar Hall also got a recent refresh, specifically the corridor at the west entrance, which includes some pops of SSU blues. Stop by and say hello to Seawolf Services or the IT Help Desk to check out their new looks. 

Thank you to Facilities Management & Campus Prints for all their work on these projects! 

Meet the Team: IT Project Management Office

PMO Team
From left to right: Amanda McGowan, Sadie Pettit, Ivonne Mejia, Jen Aaseth, Tori Chavez

The main goal of the IT Project Management Office (PMO) is to align IT efforts with SSU strategic priorities and ensure that projects are executed effectively and efficiently to advance the mission of the university. Projects in IT are defined as temporary initiatives expected to exceed 20 hours and requiring two or more IT participants. Here are some key services we provide: 

  • Project Intake and Portfolio Management: Facilitate strategic project selection and prioritization, coordinate IT resource allocation, and implement standardized project management practices and tools. To submit new project requests, fill out the IT Project Proposal Form
  • Project Management: Coordinate activities across various stages of the project life cycle, encompassing scope documentation, planning, communication, task management, and transition to operations, aimed at achieving successful project outcomes. 
  • Portfolio Performance Visibility: Check our IT Project Portfolio Dashboard to see the status of project requests and approved projects. 
  • Center of Excellence: Provide project management foundational training and a Community of Practice to share knowledge and improve project management maturity. Currently offered to IT staff, with plans to extend to all campus employees soon. 
  • Process Improvement: Facilitate the mapping and analysis of existing business processes to identify areas for improvement and optimization. 
  • Continuous Improvement: Facilitate lessons learned sessions, post-implementation reviews, and feedback mechanisms to drive continuous improvement in project prioritization and project delivery. 

Senior PMO Portfolio Manager, Ivonne Mejia, is here to help you navigate the IT PMO services and address any questions or concerns you may have. Feel free to contact her directly at, or email the team at to learn more about how they can support you in achieving your project goals. The PMO team is here to assist you!


Director of Financial Aid, Shanon Little, was awarded the 2023-2024 "Sandra Shand - It Takes a Village" award by the EOP and Seawolf Scholars communities! This esteemed award is given to campus partners who have provided unwavering dedication and support to the students and programs. Congratulations, and great work, Shanon! 

HUGE shout out to the Payroll and Benefits team who has so quickly jumped on the large volume of retro payments that needed to be processed associated with the various salary programs negotiated. Your hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated!!!!

Kudos to our grounds crew in Facilities Management who has been hard at work prepping the campus for the upcoming commencement ceremonies! 

... And a very special congratulations to our A&F Student Assistants who are graduating this spring! 

Anna Rinaldi, Business Management 

Maya Garcia, Kinesiology 

Niko Tejada, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies 

Ashley Escoobar Macias, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies, minors in Biology and Sociology

Monse Avalos, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies 

Cristal Garcia, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies 

Gabe Castro, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies 

Alondra Nunez, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies 

Jodecie Sanchez, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies 

Kristen Le, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies  

Marcella Banuelos, Criminology & Criminal Justice Studies 

Richard Loo, Psychology, minor in Education Studies  

Washaka Mahdi, M.S. in Electrical & Computer Engineering

*List based on submissions from departments, if you have names to add to this list, please email

Rehabilitating Campus Lakes

North Lakes Testing
Conducting soil and water quality tests in the North Lakes

If you saw someone out on a boat fishing in the lake last week... No, you didn't. That was actually part of the water testing in the North Lakes that Facilities Management is conducting as they prepare for the upcoming North Lakes rehabilitation project. The tests included measuring soil and water quality to provide a baseline for the campus to compare the quality after the rehabilitation. 

This project is being funded by the Chancellor's Office and is an important investment towards our continued commitment to sustainability. Returning the lakes to a cleaner, healthier state will better support our local ecosystem and is also a vital part of our campus infrastructure, as the lakes serve as our secondary water source for fire suppression. 

The project is slated to begin in April 2025 and conclude in August of that same year. 

Another Successful Seawolves Dig In!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the second annual Seawolves Dig In! Participants' efforts in the various areas across campus are already making a positive impact, and will continue to do so for years to come! In just one morning, our volunteers helped to:

  • Plant 30 Citrus Trees, oranges, lemons, and limes, outside the Wine Spectator Learning Center 
  • Remove invasive plant species & protect native plants at Copeland Creek 
  • Plant 33 Fruit Trees South of Ives, including apple, plum, and cherry, among others
  • Make fresh mulch to support the Campus ETC Garden 
  • Plant 272 young native plants around the Student Health Center and Rachel Carson 
  • And planted 30 native trees and shrubs west of the Tennis Courts, including live oaks and manzanita

This event was made possible by a partnership between Facilities Management, Academic Affairs, and the President’s Sustainability Advisory Council (PSAC). We're already looking forward to next year!

Anniversaries & New Hires!

Welcomed to SSU in April

Ryan WilliamsBox Office

Celebrated Anniversaries in April

Allan TimblinKitchens
Gia TellesHousekeeping
Shanon LittleFinancial Aid
Adriana MorenoReceipts Receivables
Noelle FisetteEmployee Relations & Compliance Services
Don CortesKitchens
Kimberly LilloTalent Acquisition & Workforce Administration
Alison SchneiderHousekeeping
Megan VarnadoreRisk Management & Safety Services
David SalinasHousekeeping
Steven MotleyOperations & Engineering
Nicholas ArnoldWorkstation Security & Services
Eleanor HendersonEnterprise Applications
Patricia SimmonsPurchasing
Raymond BlabonKitchens