May 3, 2019 Minutes SSE Board of Directors
Ms. Grace Anderson
Ms. Carley Chatterley
Ms. Christina Gamboa
Mr. Neil Markley, Ex-Officio
Ms. Amanda Visser, Ex-Officio
Ms. Joyce Lopes
Ms. Megan Varnadore
Dr. Lisa Vollendorf
Dr. Paula Lane
Dr. John Urbanski
Dr. Wm. Gregory Sawyer
Mr. Gordon McDougall
Mr. Yale Abrams
Ms. Paula Lane
Ms. Joanie Ly
Dr. Kyuho Lee
Mr. Fernando Mendoza
Dr. Judy K. Sakaki
Mr. Tyson Hill
Ms. Jill Crenshaw
Ms. Jerlena Griffin
18.39 Call to Order Ms. Lopes
Ms. Lopes called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.
18.40 Approval of the March 8, 2019 Minutes Ms. Lopes
The minutes from March 8, 2019 were provided to the Board via email prior to the meeting. Mr. McDougall moved to approve the March 8, 2019 minutes and Dr. Sawyer seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously with no changes.
18.42 Chief Academic Officer/Provost Report Dr. Vollendorf
Dr. Vollendorf reported that Sonoma State University is recruiting a new Social Science Dean. An Associate Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness has also been hired.
18.43 Vice President for Student Affairs Report Dr. Wm. Gregory Sawyer
Dr. Sawyer shared that the veteran graduation recognition event occurred and went well.
18.44 Associated Students Report Mr. Hall
Ms. Chatterley reported that two more executive positions have been added to the Executive Board of Associated Students to better serve student representation.
18.45 Report from SSU Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer and Chair of SSE Board of Directors Ms. Lopes
Ms. Lopes shared that she attended a fundraiser for the Land Trust of Sonoma County and approximately a dozen new properties will be coming available shortly. She also noted that the Stevenson renovation project planning is progressing and surge moves will occur soon.
18.46 Chief Operating Officer’s Report Mr. Markley
Mr. Markley reported the following:
- A water disruption occurred on campus. He thanked Culinary’s swift response, because of which we were able to mobilize safety procedures quickly and appropriately.
- Auxiliary audit is complete and corrective actions and documents will be shared at the next Audit Committee meeting.
- The 2018/2019 contribution report will be issued in Fall and will cover the entire fiscal year.
- Due to cost and a desire to possibly add concessions in Stevenson Hall as part of the renovation project, the Charlie Brown’s remodel has been put on hold.
- The Marina Crossing ribbon cutting will be in early June and the Board will be invited.
- As part of the business process improvement, wait time statistics at Charlie Brown’s Cafe will be compared one year apart.
- We will see an enrollment decline of 300-400 students next year. We do expect to see a rebound in the 2020/2021 fiscal year.
18.47 Chief Financial Officer’s Report Ms. Visser
Ms. Visser mentioned that the last Finance Committee meeting was on April 22 and the committee did a detailed quarterly financial statement review and discussed the budget which is presented as an action item later in the agenda. Ms. Visser noted that the quarterly statement of activity and schedule of net position are in the board packet and a couple of the highlights were discussed.
18.48 ACTION ITEM: Approval of the 2019/2020 Budget Mr. Markley
Mr. Markley reported that Ms. Lopes has asked that we look forward and do a projected budget. The final enrollment numbers will ultimately determine our revenue, this is our best projection. We will be adding value to the meal plan and implementing strategies to ensure more dining dollars are used throughout campus, not just in the Kitchens. Ms. Christina Gamboa moved to approve the budget and Dr. Sawyer seconded the motion. The 2019/20/21 was approved unanimously with no changes.
18.49 Strategic Plan Update Mr. Markley
Mr. Markley reviewed the goals of the SSE Strategic Plan and made edits based on suggestions.
18.49 Other Non-Action Items Ms. Lopes
Ms. Lopes thanked outgoing members of the SSE Board.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.