May 6, 2022 Minutes Board of Directors
Mr. Monir Ahmed Mr. Justin Arenson Ms. Ashley Blaylock Ms. Noelia Brambila Dr. Kyuho Lee Mr. Neil Markley, Ex-Officio Dr. Karen Moranski Dr. Mario Perez Dr. Judy K. Sakaki Dr. John Urbanski Ms. Amanda Visser, Ex-Officio Mr. Fred Vaske Dr. Michael Young
Ms. Madison Green Ms. Emily Lusk Porter Dr. Anastasia Tosouni
Ms. Jill Crenshaw Ms. Jessica Way
21.38 Call to Order
Mr. Ahmed called the meeting to order at 1:04pm.
21.39 Approval of the March 18, 2022 Minutes
The minutes from March 18, 2022 were provided to the Board via email prior to the meeting. The minutes were approved unanimously.
21.40 President’s Report
Dr. Sakaki provided campus updates and thanked everyone for their hard work and service to SSU.
21.41 University Report
Dr. Moranski shared that there are approximately 1150 first-time, first year deposits. Deposits are still being received and processed and the deposit period has been extended to June 6. The academic schools are getting updates on transfer students by major to ensure there are enough seats in classes for all students. Dr. Moranski noted that we continue to excel in undergraduate research and have great pride in our efforts.
21.42 Vice President for Student Affairs Report
Dr. Young noted that the search for the Vice President of Student Affairs is in its final stages and urged everyone to participate in the process.
21.43 Associated Students Report
Ms. Brambila shared that the Associated Students are currently reaching out to student groups to meet with President Sakaki. They will also be requesting a transparent investigation of the Title IX office and are working on a resolution in support of the Equitable Access program. Ms. Brambila also mentioned that additional volunteers are needed for Commencement. After May 11, the Senate will be transitioning.
21.44 Report from SSU Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer and Chair of SSE Board of Directors
Mr. Ahmed discussed the State’s projected infrastructure surplus which he hopes will aid in campus maintenance and infrastructure projects. He also noted that it is becoming harder and harder to recruit and retain students due to a myriad of factors and reminded the group that word of mouth advertising is invaluable. He also shared that there are a number of projects in place to make the campus more sustainable including a solar grid project.
21.45 Chief Operating Officer’s Report
Mr. Markley shared that 711 students have contracted with housing for the Fall. This year, there were approximately 600 students in residence. Mr. Markley projects there will be 650-700 first year students on the meal plan in the Fall. Culinary continues to have staffing challenges. Lobo’s was closed early due to staffing and Dining Services is working to provide pop-ups for the students in the interim. There is a substantial summer conference season upcoming. The bulk of the revenue from conferences will support Housing and Dining Services. Addressing Dr. Lee’s comments from our last meeting, he also noted that the Student Center is exploring space reconfigurations and Housing is working on faculty housing and other creative ideas. In addition, Mr. Markley shared that our realtors are meeting with an agricultural buyer for the Petaluma Hill Road land.
21.46 Chief Financial Officer’s Report
Ms. Visser reviewed the latest fiscal year projections. The University agreed to only collect rent on spaces with active operations, which has positively impacted SSE’s financial position.
21.47 DISCUSSION: 22/23 Budget/Operations Scenarios
Mr. Markley presented two 2022/2023 draft budgets and discussed venue openings for the Fall as numbers are solidified on the enrollment side. These budgets will go to the Finance Committee for further discussion before being presented to the Board for approval. Dr. Urbanski expressed his continuing desire to see SSE expand and diversify revenue streams beyond our student base. Mr. Markley will put together a meeting with Dr. Urbanski, Dr. Lee, Chair Ahmed and himself to brainstorm ideas.
21.48 DISCUSSION: Equitable Access/First Day Complete
Mr. Markley discussed the Equitable Access program and the recommendation to implement the program by the working group, composed of faculty, staff, and students.
21.49 Other Non-Action Items
Meeting was adjourned at 3:02pm.