May 7, 2021 Minutes SSE Board of Direco
Ms. Ashley Blaylock
Ms. Melissa Kadar
Dr. John Kunat
Dr. Kyuho Lee
Ms. Joyce Lopes
Mr. Neil Markley, Ex-Officio
Mr. Robert Martinez
Dr. Karen Moranski
Dr. Mario Perez
Ms. Emily Lusk Porter
Dr. Gregory Sawyer
Dr. John Urbanski
Ms. Amanda Visser, Ex-Officio
Mr. Fred Vaske
Mr. Jonathan Juarez Dominguez
Dr. Judy Sakaki
Ms. Jill Crenshaw
Dr. Jerlena Griffin-Desta
Mr. Tyson Hill
20.43 Call to Order
Ms. Lopes called the meeting to order at 1:04pm.
20.44 Approval of the March 12, 2021 Minutes
The minutes from March 12, 2021 were provided to the Board via email prior to the meeting. The minutes were approved unanimously with no changes.
20.45 President’s Report
Dr. Griffin-Desta presented the President’s report on behalf of Dr. Sakaki. She shared that Commencement is upcoming and that they are currently processing the results from the campus climate survey.
20.46 University Report
Dr. Moranski shared that 2021 enrollment deposits have been received thus far and Academic Affairs is working to increase enrollment. Academic Affairs has been reaching out to students who indicated that SSU was their first or second choice, but have not yet made a deposit. She also shared that in-person campus tours have resumed. Furthermore, the Faculty Affairs division will be merged with Human Resources as part of the shared services initiative.
20.47 Vice President of Student Affairs Report
Dr. Sawyer shared that 1402 students have registered for orientation.
20.48 Associated Students Report
Ms. Kadar shared that the new Associated Students Board of Directors will be sworn in this coming Monday.
20.49 Report from SSU Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer and Chair of SSE Board of Directors
Ms. Lopes thanked the campus for working through this difficult year. She shared that the Early Exit Program currently has thirty participants. Stan Nosek will be the interim Vice President of Administration and Finance as of June 1.
20.50 Chief Operating Officer’s Report
Mr. Markley shared that the enrollment deadline has been extended and discussed the Seawolf All-Inclusive Experience incentive program. He stated that his team were happy to be able to contribute to bringing students to campus.
Mr. Markley provided an update on housing, saying that 2040 students have signed up for housing with 620 of those deposits being from freshmen.
Mr. Markley also shared that we have not heard whether the first Paycheck Protection Program loan will be forgiven. Selling wine inventory on hand has increased revenue, every little bit helps.
20.51 Chief Financial Officer’s Report
Ms. Visser shared that the Finance Committee convened and reviewed the March statements. She also shared that the Audit Committee will be meeting next week with the auditing firm, Aldrich.
20.52 DISCUSSION: Operating Models
Mr. Markley stated that discussions around short-term solutions previously discussed are ongoing with the campus and Chancellor's office. The Chancellor’s office has been working with CSUEU and ultimately the labor issues are complicated. We are going to wait until we are beyond labor issues related to COVID before reevaluating what options might be feasible.
20.53 ACTION: Petaluma Hill Road Property
Mr. Markley shared that the land was listed and an offer was received. A motion to authorize the sale of the land was presented by Mr. Vaske, seconded by Mr. Urbanski, and approved unanimously.
20.54 ACTION: Corporate Resolution
A resolution for the second PPP loan was presented to the board. A motion to authorize the loan was presented by Dr. Sawyer, seconded by Dr. Moranski, and approved unanimously.
20.55 21-22 Budget Approval
A motion to approve the budget was presented by Mr. Martinez, seconded by Ms. Blaylock, and was approved unanimously.
20.56 Other Non-Action Items
Board members whose terms are expiring at the end of this fiscal year were thanked for their participation.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:46pm.