Approved by President Sakaki and Joyce Lopes. Pending approval from Associated Students, Inc., Staff Council, and Academic Senate
Campus Naming Policy Status
Pending on BOT’s agenda for November 2020
Schulz Library Project - In Design/Budget Discussion.
Lauren Hart presented a draft mock-up of the image for the Library Automated Lockers. The image is SSU Blue and will cover the entire locker with the Library’s iconic clock tower in the background and the new SSU branding image for text. There is potential to select different campus images as a backdrop when additional lock units are added. The skeletal leaf is also included in the image to represent the local region. Included on the mock up is a place holder for where the touch screen and sign/title bar will be located. The text on the box will be for “Item Pick Up” since it will not only be used to distribute books – there could be media or devices checked out. The location for the first locker has been revised to where the long-term locker will be located (adjacent to the Library’s south entrance in the breezeway in front of one of the Defensible Design windows). Before production, the vendor will provide a proof before proceeding.
Proposed Library Automated Lockers
Revised Location
D. Twedell inquired if the image will go through Campus Prints, if the photo is a university approved photo, and if Strategic Communications has approved the mock up. L. Hart will confirm with Christine Hayes about the photo and mentioned that the various design elements were from Strategic Communications but they have not seen the mock up. Lauren wanted to present to CPUSAC before presenting it to Strategic Communications.
K. Marian recommended to include “hunter green” color in the image to match the library’s window trim. The Defensible Design window will be filled in so that it matches the stucco of the building. A four-inch clearance in the back of the lockers is needed for the electrical outlet (which will be surface mounted) and will coincide with the need to keep the window sill in place. C. Dinno recommended a trim as it will collect debris and trash behind the locker. D. Twedell asked if the vendor has a metal flashing recommendation or if it is included with the locker purchase as an add-on. It would also need to be removeable in the event staff needs to access the electrical outlet. Lauren will investigate.
N. Markley suggested that due to this area being a high traffic area to use the lockers as a “billboard” to advertise campus and library events. L. Hart thought that the side panel could be an opportunity with a poster frame that can be changed out easily.
C. Dinno requested clarification on numbering of boxes. L. Hart mentioned that the doors open automatically when a code is inputted and does not require box number identifiers. D. Twedell was concerned that if this is a high traffic area and as individuals walk by, would there be a safety concern of walking into the opened locker. L. Hart reported that the lockers open only a copy of inches for the requestor and the requestor would open the locker door fully to retrieve and then close the door.
E. Chelini expressed concern for the cleaning of the unit should there be vandalism. Since the image is on a vinyl wrap, it is easier to clean.
K. Marian confirmed that seismic braces are anchored into the concrete and has been signed off by Seismic Review.
Y. Perez Bravo inquired if there was contact information should a user have any problems. L. Hart mentioned that the information can be added to the locker image and L. Hart also noted that this information is included on the automatic email confirming locker pick up.
D. Twedell asked if there was battery back-up if power goes out. L. Hart confirmed and mentioned that there is a manual override should it be an extended length of time.
Part 2 - CPDC Project Report Review
K. Marian reviewed the next projects after Stevenson Hall Remodel. The focus for CPDC is programming, feasibility studies, and basis of design for numerous projects.
D. Ricciardi inquired if bird nesting is also considered when preparing a project – for example, the Stevenson bird nests/boxes. D. Twedell reported that for the Stevenson Renovation project, a wildlife inspection from Fish and Game was consulted. The inspector reported that the nest/boxes were empty and approved them for removal. The nests/boxes were considered for relocation but there were concerns with the excrements and therefore the nest/boxes will just be removed. C. Dinno also mentioned that in the Stevenson design, the courtyard will be covered and there would be no access to the boxes.
Part 2 - CPDC - “Multi Year Plan 2021-2026” (November BOT)
K. Marian reported that there are currently 151 projects and 192 contracts in various phases (pre-project, pre-construction, construction, and close-out).
Part 2 - Project Application Process
CPDC utilizes MetaBIM to track projects. Projects are initiated by a requestor by submitting a work order request. CPDC will go through the Building Permit Checklist to obtain more information about the project and to develop a general scope, determine code provisions that are applicable, work with Campus Building Official (Christopher Dinno) for code interpretations and complete the project checklist to provide a customer with a project proposal.
If approved for design, the campus generally provides pre-project information and as-built drawings to designer so that they can develop drawings. If documents do not exist on campus, it will need to be provided which is additional costs.
Once drawings are received, it is reviewed by stakeholders (including Facilities Operations, EH&S, etc) for feedback and input.
Permits are required for projects before it can proceed to construction. Permits include, but is not limited to State Fire Marshal and Campus Building Official.
Future Topics
Deferred Maintenance & Critical Infrastructure (5 Year Cap Outlay)
CPDC Current Project List Update
Summary Report on SSU Classroom Standards and Improvements (May 10th 2020)
Classroom Renovation Project
Copeland Creek Committee Overview & Purpose
Ives/Nichols Feasibility Assessment (Mode)
Stevenson Surge Updates (ongoing)
CPDC – Project Request Process
Kinesiology & Athletic Master Plan Review - Approved Gensler