October 18, 2018 Student Housing Task Force Meeting Minutes
Student Housing Task Force Meeting Minutes
Date: October 18, 2018Attendees:
Ryan Henne, Christopher Dinno, Stacey Murray, Nicole Hendry, Rick Verrier, Elizabeth Chelini, Caylee Spinney, James Birkey (JLL), Michelle Sulahian (JLL)
Not in Attendance:
Neil Markley, Anna Reynolds-Smith
Purpose of Meeting: Housing Analysis – Findings and Next Steps
General Student Housing Items Update (20 minutes)
CEQA Addendum, Dinno
Program Development, Henne/Murray
- Potential Tour of Peer Concepts, Birkey (20 minutes)
- UC Davis
- Cal Poly SLO
- Next Steps & Timeline (5 mins)
- Summary of Take Away’s
Next meeting topics:
Financial Review & Project Sizing, Reynolds-Smith/Neil Markley
Student Housing General Notes:
- CEQA Addendum – Under contract with consultant to provide documentation of environmental impact which will then go to Chancellors Office for approval before opening to public announcement. This is approximately a 6 month process.
- Program Development – Currently assessing common space, living space types and styles. What is modern, efficient and attractive to potential incoming students?
- Considering tours of Davis, Sacramento and Cal Poly SLO – Assessment of new styles and ideas, what and how to incorporate into Sonoma campus current housing mix. (Student inclusion?)
- Do we need more focus groups?
- How many beds/units are we considering for Phase 1 – Zinfandel dining hall footprint?
- Determine timing and location of new student housing developments (Feb?).
- Determine units/beds and potential size (footprint and height) of Phase 1 structure.
- Focus group results to be shared with James - JLL