December 13, 2019 Minutes SSE Board of Directors
December 13, 2019MEMBERS PRESENT:
Ms. Grace Anderson
Mr. Arden Childers
Dr. Kyuho Lee
Ms. Joyce Lopes
Mr. Neil Markley, Ex-Officio
Mr. Robert Martinez
Mr. Gordon McDougall
Ms. Emily Lusk Porter
Dr. Jeffrey Reeder
Dr. Judy K. Sakaki
Dr. Wm. Gregory Sawyer
Dr. John Urbanski
Ms. Amanda Visser, Ex-Officio
Ms. Megan Varnadore
Dr. Lisa Vollendorf
Mr. Daniel Yoeono
Ms. Jill Crenshaw
Ms. Jerlena Griffin
Ms. Nancy Keller
19.15 Call to Order
Ms. Lopes called the meeting to order at 9:37 a.m.
19.16 Approval of the September 27, 2019 Minutes
The minutes from September 27, 2019 were provided to the Board via email prior to the meeting. The minutes were approved unanimously with no changes.
19.17 President’s Report
Dr. Sakaki thanked the campus for their response to the Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) emergency. She also shared that she had attended CSU alumni events, including one in London. Additionally, she noted that the new Vice President of Advancement will join us in February.
19.18 University Report
Provost Vollendorf shared that the four year graduation rates have risen 40.9% between 2015 and 2019 at Sonoma State University.
19.19 Associated Students Report
Mr. Daniel Yoeono discussed how the campus shut-down impacted students. Associated Student Senate passed a resolution to pay some of the wages lost to student workers as a result of the PSPS. The Fall graduation reception was a success.
19.20 Report from SSU Vice President for Administration and Finance/Chief Financial Officer and Chair of SSE Board of DIrectors
Ms. Lopes thanked Culinary for their service during the PSPS emergency.
The legislature last year approved a capacity assessment survey to explore whether additional CSU campuses are needed.
Ms. Lopes discussed the system-wide partnership with the Superlative Group. This group will determine if there are additional opportunities for the campus to better partner with companies, the community, etc. Their report will be shared with the Board once it is complete.
19.21 Chief Operating Officer’s Report
Mr. Markley reported that enrollment continues to be challenging. We do have a strategic enrollment plan and there will be action at the campus level to raise enrollment. While the campus is working to complete a strategic enrollment management plan, he expects lower enrollment next year.
The Bookstore partnered with Academic Affairs in an effort to increase textbook adoptions. The data shows a tremendous improvement this year over last year.
There are a number of new services at Prelude, including dinner for EOP students who attended the performance. The second seating program has been put in place in an effort to connect Prelude with the community. Marketing material will be sent out to the surrounding community. The GMC concession program will be adding pizza for pre-order.
The University and management is considering what to do with the 88 acres on Petaluma Hill Road and should bring a proposal to the Board in the Spring.
19.22 Chief Financial Officer’s Report
Ms. Visser shared that the Finance Committee approved the reserves and discussed the 5 year financial plan. She also briefly reviewed the Statement of Activity.
19.23 ACTION ITEM: Review and Acceptance of Proposition 13: Public Preschool, K-12, and College Health and Safety Bond Act of 2020
This important initiative would support a number of capital projects here on campus and around the CSU.
Mr. McDougall moved to approve the resolution, Dr. Sawyer seconded. All approved with Dr. Urbanski abstaining.
19.24 Strategic Plan Update
The updated Strategic Plan was provided to the board electronically prior to the meeting. Neil Markley reviewed the additions with the hope that any updates or changes will be incorporated prior to the next meeting.
19.25 Culinary Presentation
Ms. Nancy Keller lead a presentation on Culinary Services to the board. The board indicated they would like to hear an update on the presented issues and challenges presented at the end of the year. Dr. Lee also would like to discuss students’ changing culinary needs and eating patterns at a future board meeting.
19.26 Other Non-Action Items
Meeting was adjourned at 11:37 a.m.